It's no secret that my husband and I are Star Wars fanatics - during our wedding recessional, we walked down the aisle to the Star Wars theme song; our firstborn son was either going to be named Luke, Lucas, or Owen; and there are just dozens and dozens of Star Wars toys, posters, figurines, etc. in our home.
So when family and friends were asking what Owen was going to be for his first Halloween, it didn't take very long for me to decide that he was going to be a Star Wars character...and it didn't take very long after that for me to decide that he was going to be Wicket, the Ewok.
Of course, I wanted to incorporate Ralph, Wendy, and myself in the Halloween fun, so I was going to be Princess Leia (Endor outfit, of course), Ralph was going to be Han, and Wendy was going to be Darth Vader. And since Star Wars costumes are usually expensive, I wanted to try and make as many of the outfits as I can.
Having ZERO experience with a sewing machine and never even been at the "Fabrics" section at Joann's, I came to the conclusion (almost right away) that I was in way over my head. I mean, I wanted to make our costumes from SCRATCH, for crying out loud! And by "scratch", I do mean buy-yards-of-fabric-and-cut-them-into-pieces-then-sew-them-together "scratch". After trying (and failing) with Owen's, I realized that the only outfit that I could make was Leia's poncho. And I did.
So what was I to do about Owen's outfit? I found a DIY tutorial on how to make an Ewok costume on Pinterest, and it sounded sooo easy - just combine a bear costume with an orange t-shirt, and voila! You're done! Uhhh, no. For the life of me, I could not find an inexpensive dark brown bear costume NOR an orange t-shirt. Luckily, Owen had a dark brown onesie, and I just bought a bright orange t-shirt and used brown dye to tone down the color. Here is a more detailed step-by-step of how I made Owen's Wicket Costume.
It's a good thing Ralph's was easy to make because I was OVER IT after finishing mine and Owen's. Overall, I'm happy with the outcome. Ralph's pants should have been brown, but dark brown slacks (just like dark brown bear outfits and orange t-shirts) were hard to come by.
We went to my parents' house in Irvine to have dinner and go Trick-or-Treating around the neighborhood. We were joined by Ralph's mom and cousin Bella! I didn't get any good pictures while we were Trick-or-Treating because it was too dark...but Owen didn't last very long anyway. We only went to about a dozen houses before he rested his head on his Daddy's shoulders, which means he has "tapped out".
His "Can you stop taking pictures of me so I can go to sleep?" face. |
Of course, the candy that Owen collected today is really for his mommy and daddy (sorry, son), but my mom was kind enough to make him a Halloween basket with baby-friendly snacks. :)
Until next year! Hope everyone had a Happy (and safe!) Halloweeeeeen!
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