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You can see a couple of new additions to the boys' room! Crib: IKEA Bear head wall decoration: Target |
Today, I had my 32-week check-up, and the doctor said everything was looking great. Little Bro is head down and weighing at 3lbs 13oz - doc says the baby will be about the same weight as Owen's birth weight, which was almost 8lbs. "Another little chunky guy!" is what my husband said. Can't wait to get my hands on some chubby baby rolls again. Owen has grown significantly, and all the chunkiness has gone. *Tear*
So, I noticed this growing trend on Instagram where mothers post (on Wednesdays) what they "wish they knew" about pregnancy and motherhood. This could be about baby items they wish they purchased, things they wish they did prior to baby's arrival, how they wish they dealt with their emotions, etc.
While the mothers in my life gave me a heads up on the usual things (mostly centered around the baby, naturally, and which I am forever grateful for), I wish I had known how important it was to prepare my body for, not just pregnancy and delivery, but for postpartum as well.
- During pregnancy: I wish I ate healthier. During my first pregnancy, I ate whatever I wanted whenever I wanted, and I gained a whopping 30lbs...and I was already overweight at the start of the pregnancy. As a result, I had debilitating back pain, edema in my lower extremities, and I was on restricted work duties by 28 weeks.
- During labor/delivery: I wish I didn't eat HEAVY meals leading up to labor. When you're pregnant, your digestive system slows down...and I'm already not a "regular" person. Top that off with an epidural, and guess what I got? An HOUR on the toilet a week later, praying to God to end my misery.
- Postpartum: I wish I had comfy clothes. Since I wasn't planning for a C-section, I didn't have any loose pants to wear. Sure, I had my yoga pants, but the elastic would sit RIGHT ON the incision site. Ow. But since I know I'll be having a repeat C-section, I'll be prepared. Guess where I got these sweet maternity pants from? Yep, PinkBlush!
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Maternity pajama pants from PinkBlush - these exact pants can be found here. |
Please keep in mind that these "wish I knew"s are based on my own personal experiences from my first pregnancy and may not necessarily apply to all pregnant women. If you can eat a burger a day and not have any issues with your bowel movements, then, by all means, chow down! I wish I had that ability, hahaha.
Now, time for a bumpdate!
How far along?: 32 weeks (tomorrow)
Total weight gain/loss: +14 lbs
Sleep: Not too bad, but I wish I could sleep until my alarm goes off. I'm always wide awake by 5:30am, and I can usually afford to sleep for another hour.Best moment this week: Spending time with Ralph's mom and sister last Saturday. Owen missed his "Nana" and "Au-TEE" so much that he spent most of the morning looking out the window and waiting for them.
Movement: All the time.
Symptoms: Low back pain.
Symptoms I DON'T have: Reflux hasn't been too bad the last week or so.
Food cravings: Sandwiches of any kind. I eat a homemade version of an Egg McMuffin every day.
Food aversions: Nothing at the moment.
Gender: Boy!
Labor Signs: None.Belly Button in or out?: Poking out a little bit.
What I miss: Lying on my belly.
What I am looking forward to: Finishing up the boys' room. I have a couple of DIY projects to do, so I better get started soon!
Until next time!
**Disclaimer: The clothing showcased above was gifted to me by PinkBlush in exchange for a review. All opinions in this post are my own.**
Love this page!! Totally bookmarking this for "future reference" and will probably text/call you incessantly... so be ready fo rme when it's my turn!. LOL.