This is 30

Monday, August 14, 2017

A couple of months ago, my husband and parents began asking me what I wanted to do for my 30th birthday. And even up until last weekend, I had no clue what I wanted to do. For one thing, I'm not too big on my birthday; in addition, it's the middle of August, and I'm 8 months pregnant. So really, all I wanted to do was spend time with loved ones, eat good food, and stay in an air-conditioned place. And that's EXACTLY what I got.

In the morning, Ralph and I were able to sleep in until 7:30am (we're usually awake by 6:30am, even on weekends); and we probably could have slept more, but we were awakened by our son's "angelic" singing voice through his baby monitor, hahaha. So I got up, got Owen from his room, and he cuddled with us for a bit before we headed downstairs to have a light breakfast.

Roses from my boys. Thank you, guys!

I said "light" breakfast because we had reservations for brunch at Plums Café just a few hours later. It was our first time there, but we'll definitely be back for more. Everything was delicious, especially their Oregon pepper bacon.

Afterwards, we headed home for Owen's (and Ralph's, haha) nap. And a little while later, my parents came over for dinner and surprised me with good ol' Filipino food, something that I haven't had for a very long time and, oddly, craving for the last week. Thanks, Mom, Dad, and Matthew!

And then, it was time for cake! Within the last week, my mom and Ralph kept asking if I wanted a special cake, but I told them that I wanted to make my own. They didn't really like that answer and asked, "Are you sure?" "Do you want me to order a tres leches cake?" "What about from Heidelberg?" "Can I make the cake for you?"

Honestly, cake is cake to me. Costco cake? Great. Albertson's cake? Great. Insert-fancy-bakery-cake? Great. Box cake? GREAT.

So you know what I did? I spent $2.62 on boxed cake mix and pre-made cream cheese frosting, and made a simple layered cake.

I think Owen was excited for cake. I'm not sure. ;)

It was a great day. My only gripe is that I did not get a picture with my parents and brother...NOR did I get a picture with Ralph AND Owen. :( Oh well. We made memories, and that's all that matters.

Also, thanks to everyone who took a quick moment to greet me - it means a lot, really.

Here's to 30!

Cold Shoulder Floral Maternity Top from PinkBlush.
Exact top can be found HERE.

P.S. PinkBlush is having a MAJOR sale today - additional 40% off clearance! They have maternity tops/dresses/bottoms and delivery robes. Not pregnant? They also have regular women's clothing and accessories (even shoes). Go now! Happy shopping!
Click --> ShopPinkBlush

**Disclaimer: The clothing showcased above was gifted to me by PinkBlush in exchange for a review/social media post.**

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